Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Well, I finally got quotes on my tattoos that I want.....
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Price- 4.5" x 3" -$170.00 or 5.5" x 4" - $200.00 and will be placed on the left side of my chest.I'll be getting the smaller one. Cutting out the large one it looks TOO big.

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This would next on my list. Price- 4" x 3.5" - $170.00 or 4.5 x 5.5 - $200.00 and would be put on my forearm. I'm thinking the large size on the right one, just below the elbow

And finally
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3.5 x 3.5- $150.00 or 4.5 x 4.5 - $170.00 Again I think the larger one is what I'll get. This would be placed on the back of my neck/head.

After tlaking ot my mother she said she might be able to do a birthday fund for the first one. SWEET!

Now for the other two: Does anyone need someone killed?

OH! And Protocoach....The main reason I didn't skate is I had horribly weak ankles and flat feet. I put skates on and my feet would splay so wide my ankles were touching the ice. Mind you I think I made up for not ice skating by playing street hockey with Steve Yzerman during his rookie year. Maybe you've heard of him? good times playing goalie with no pads.....

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Time to vote.

Canada is having it's Federal Election. Tomorrow. Monday January 23, 2006. It doesn't seem to matter what party I vote for I'm still going to get screwed.

We have something like 13 different parties to vote for this year. Unfortunately not all parties have reps in every riding. For example here in Kingston we have 5 choices: Conservatives, Liberals, and NDP are the three big ones. The Green Party is next in line and we have one independent.

Now I've followed politics about as closely as most people follow the history of bread making. I haven't got freaking clue who to vote for. I've joked and said I'd vote Communist or Bloc Quebecois but neither has a rep here.

Although the indie seems to be nice he'd be useless in parliament he's got no party backing. I refuse to vote PC or Liberal. I don't trust either one of them. That leaves me with NDP or Green....And I know neither has a snowballs chance of coming to power. Even so it's tough decision.

After much online reading, flipping of coins, throwing of darts, consutling of the spirts and talking to the dog I've decided to vote Green. They seem to follow my own beliefs the closest. So "GO GREEN"!

In other news.....

Still haven't heard back if I'm accepted for school. Not suprised though considering I haven't mailed my application in. I called the school to see if I needed to include anything with the $85.00 application processing fee and the application forum. I thought is was simple enough question to answer over the phone, but they want me to come in for a meeting on Wed, so I've held off the mailing. I think I'll call them tomorrow and see if they can answer my questions over the phone.

Friday after dinner we took Logan ice skating for the first time. He had a blast. Fell down a bit but kept wanting to skate some more. So Saturday we went back. I had my skates this time. First time I strapped skates on in about 20 years. I guess it wouldn't have been too bad if the skates fit. Mine are about a half size too small. Logan and I did about 4 laps before my feet hurt so bad I had to stop. Carrie had fun. It was almost as hard to get her off the ice as it was Logan. But we all had fun. Except for the walk. It takes about 40 minutes to walk from our house to the free rink at City Hall and 40 minutes back. But it's still better than the Kingston Memorial Center.

To get to the Memorial Center it only takes 5 minutes. It's an indoor areana and therefore you have to pay. Because they have hockey games they limit the amopunt of ice time the public gets. Now for the math: Public skating is ONLY on Tuesdays from 7:00pm to 7:50pm, the cost per adult is $3.00 and for a kid it's $1.75. So how is paying $8.00 for 50 minutes of skating a good value? Even though Logan complains a little on the walk the free sakte is much better. It opens at 9:00 am and goes untill 10:30pm (weather permitting) and they even maintain the ice surface! AND it's right downtown.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I pead on the floor!

You read it right. I pead on the floor.
I was making dinner last night and needs some peas. I reach into the freezer and grab a bag of the frozen ones. They are rock hard and stuck together. In my infinate wisdom I decide to crush the the peas apart.

The bottom of the bag broke.... All I hear from Logan is, "Daddy! What did you do?"
I told him I pead on the floor. I haven't heard him laugh so hard ever.
He laughed tyhe entire time I was cleaning up the peas....With Nova's help of course.

We took our Christmas decorations down yesterday as well. Thank god. I hate having that stuff up. Makes everythng feel crowded together.

Carrie's been plugging away at her school work, slowly chiping away at her english.
Both she and Logan are out of school untill Jan 9. I can't wait for them to start back. I could use some alone time. LOL

GST cheques should be out tomorrow. That's good. That means I can pay for my school application. Man, I can't wait to start.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (like you haven't heard that a million times already...)

So a whole year has come and gone. What have I done with it? Not a hell of a lot. That's not to say I wasted it, but I didn't do anything spectacular. I didn't save any lives, or take any. I didn't win shitloads of cash on the lotto. I didn't buy or sell any property, discover new medications, use any illegal drugs, take over a small country.....

"Well what the fuck DID you do?"

I kept getting up in the morning. I kept going. I kept hoping. Somes days that was almost too much to do.

I decided what I really want to do finally and had that dream beaten, crushed and put on the shelf.

So the week before Christmas I applied for a student loan. I was approved. Next week I apply at the school. I'd rather head to the states and become an airsmith, but for now I have to settle for taking Computer Networking & Technical Support. The school has a good grad rate and employment rate. Mind you I might have to relocate but it would most likely a bigger city. And that won't be for 2 years, well a little more sice classes start in Spetember.

We spent Christmas at my moms. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't fantastic either. Probably because I was at the tail end of a cold. It doesn't help that Logan was being a whiner all morning. "I wanna open more presents! I wanna help open that one! I wanna I wanna I wanna!"

Carmen, my "evil" sister, was proposed to earlier this month. No date has been set. Her fiance, Stephen, is a pretty nice guy. Why he chooses to abuse himself by marrying Carmen I don't know.

New Years eve was kind of bland. No money for a babysiter meant we had to stay home. So we had a couple of friends come over. Carrie fell asleep on the couch before 10pm.

So as of now It's 8:48 am, Jan 1 2006. logan and I are up, Carrie is still asleep, and our friends are snoring away on the air matress in the kitchen.

So far the new year is just fantastic.