All the baby degus are gone now, all to the pet store. So it's just the 3 adults again. For a little while any way. I wouldn't be surprised to we have more by the end of October.
My mom is moved into her new home. We went for a visit last week. It's a bit out of the way for my tastes but it'll be nice next year for Logan to go camp in their back yard. The place is infested with frogs. I managed to catch one . It was cool enough for me to catch, hold and for Logan to look at but NOT cool enough for him to touch.
Last week I got a note on here from my Aunt Debbie. It was pleasant surprise, especially since I almost forgot I had an Aunt Deb. According to my mother I haven't seen her since I was 3. Other than that all she's been to me is a faceless name. She and Carrie seem to get along great and form the sounds of it Debbie may be planning a visit out this way sometime.
I also got a card from my dad, Greg, last week. It was nice to hear from him but I wish it had been better news. Back in May Grandma Viv passed away and I gave dad a call. He seemed to be doing ok but had mentioned some health problems and that he was waiting for some tests. Well, his note explained that for more than a year he's been aspirating.
Main Entry: as·pi·ra·tionFrom the sounds of it he's been sucking food into his lungs. Not good. He's tried different exercises with no luck. Now he's waiting to hear from a neurologist. He's also got a tube going to his stomach. That means he doesn't get to eat. It gets blended up and poured in. I was hoping that he'd be able to come for a visit next summer but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.
Pronunciation: "as-p&-'rA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 a : audible breath that accompanies or comprises a speech sound b : the pronunciation or addition of an aspiration; also : the symbol of an aspiration
2 : a drawing of something in, out, up, or through by or as if by suction: as a : the act of breathing and especially of breathing in b : the withdrawal of fluid or tissue from the body c : the taking of foreign matter into the lungs with the respiratory current.
As for more good news.....
Our friend Sherry is pregnant. She's 5 or 6 weeks along and I'm getting teased that it's mine. She had come by one evening because of computer problems and wanted me to take a look and it was then I got her knocked up(that was 3 weeks ago). I suppose there are worse things I could be accused of. LOL.
Logan is looking forward to school starting. He's been going through every flyer that comes in for his school supplies. What the hell would he need in grade 2? I know he'll need 2 pairs of sneakers, one indoor and one out. Hopefully the school send out the supply list soon. I'm looking forward to him going back to school too.
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