Thursday, December 02, 2010

Back in October

I was scheduled to go for sinus surgery. I needed my septum straightened out and a polyp removed. One week before surgery I was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic.

I've been pricking my finger regularly and keeping an eye on things. I'm not an extreme diabetic so I should be OK with dietary changes and exercise.

Surgery went well. My septum is nice and straight now and the polyp, golf ball sized, was removed with out problem. When I woke up in the recovery room they asked if I wanted some water. I told them very plainly, "I want a hamburger." I was just a little hungry. Going 24 hours with out food will do that to you.

My breathing has improved a lot, but I'm not at 100% yet. The right side, where the polyp was, is still producing blood clots and they interfere with airflow. How ever they are are forming less often every day. The left side seems to be having trouble due to the electric heat we have in the apartment, it dries me out and swells the tissue a bit. NasoGel several times a day helps a bit.

Work at the bowling alley is ok. It's not enough hours, 12 a week, and they are shrinking a bit that back a bit. New winter hours should have me at 11.5 hours a week. With Christmas holidays coming up I'm only going to be in for 4 hours a week. Thankfully I'm willing to take other peoples shifts if they call in sick.

I'm still looking for something better though....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Poke, drill, fill, get up early...

So what's going on? Not a hell of a lot.

I have to go to the dentist today at 3:50 and have my last filling done. They put a temp filling in on Tuesday because I was bleeding like a stuck pig. I guess fillings don't stick to blood. Hopefully I'm unfrozen enough to eat tonight.

Tomorrow I have an interview at the bowling alley at 2:00pm and I start work there Saturday morning. It's only 2 shifts a week but it's a start. I'll find out pay and hours tomorrow. Minimum wage here is $10.25 an hour so I'm expecting at least that much. I'm hoping for 8 hour shifts but I'm guessing they'll be 4 hours as I'll be doing the morning cleaning.

Schools open next week so we'll be able to register Logan at his new school. He starts back on Sept 7. That's what? Two weeks from today? Hopefully they give us a list of school supplies he needs.... When I was a kid we'd get a list with our last report card. His last school sure as hell didn't bother with that. Even the school board website doesn't have a list. What's up with that?

Hopefully this school is run better than his last one. His principal was a moronic bitch. I'd hate to freak out on kids again this year for picking on Logan like I did last year. Their dad called the cops on me and wanted me arrested. That didn't happen though. Cops were both parents and agreed with what I did but suggested I handle it differently next time.

Look at that. It's now noon. Time for food and more coffee.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm tired of living in the cell phone dark ages, so I've decided to get a new phone. I know I want a smartphone and I DO NOT want an iPhone.

I have an iPod and I'm annoyed enough with it, and Apple, as it is. Foced to update, unable to customize, haev to pay for customer service even though you're still under warranty.... Total bullshit.

I want to switch to Android. Problem is the Canadian cellphone market is CRAPTACULAR. We have 3 primary providers, Bell, Rogers and Telus. There are small compaies but all use one of the 3 big systems.

That's not that bad though. The problem is that we haev maybe 1/3 of the total smartphones here. Rogers has 21 models, 8 of which are Blackberrys. Only 7 are touch screen. Telus has 12 models, 4 are Blackberry, 4 have touch. Bell is even worse... 12 smartphones, 5 are Blackberry, 4 have touch screens.

Right now I'm strongly considering the Experia X10 from Rogers. The reviews are good and it has a 8mp camera.

Acer Liquid E is also a contender.

The Samsung Wave looks nice too, but it runs on Bada, not Android.

From Bell? I won't consider them at all. I suppose could fork out $500.00 for the Samsung Galaxy S but at that price it should have more than a 5mp camera in it...

Telus.... Motorola Milestone looks good, but again for the price I'd want a better camera. The HTC Desire would be a better choice.