Saturday, March 02, 2013

Life begins in you 40s?

First some background.

Carrie has been on disability for several years now. In the beginning the policy was such that I wasn't required to work. But policies change and they now require I do work. I don't have a problem with that, per se. However with a thin job market and no post secondary schooling I'm at a disadvantage.

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) has put me in touch with the Ontario Works. Great, another government angecy that's going to screw me around with a ton of useless rules and requirements....

The first meeting went better than I'd hoped. My case worker gave me information that was very usefull as well as getting me set up with a monthly bus pass paid by the government. That alone is a massive help!

She also told me about a program called Second Career.  Once I start going to a job club type deal, they'll tell me if I qualify. If I do then I 'll be going to school for 2 years. I'm looking at Fanshawe College and their business course. Even if I don't qualify, I'll look into a student loan.

At thus point I can't decide if i'm scares or excited about going back to school.

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