This is the Olympics people. The team members are SUPPOSED to be the best the country has to offer. I'll admit that maybe, maybe, the thrashing of Italy was a bit harsh but that's only beacuse they are new to this. But you don't improve if someone takes it easy on you.
I was discussing the first win with a US friend of mine over AIM. He was quite proud that the US Women's Hockey team won 2 games, both shut out. Thier game against Russia was 3-0. His reasoning is taht Russia is a much tougher team than Italy could ever hope to be. Based on previous performances by any Russian hockey team they should have been a challenge. If they were that good why did we get a 12-0 win?
I came across this article on the (CBC website)
talking about weather or not our women's team was right in thier wins. Don Cherry, never a big fan but I did (yes did) respect him, said that as a coach if his ream had a big lead he'd get the guys to ease up. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT? You don't want embarrass an obviously inferior team? I'd be more embarrassed if I found out you "took it easy" on me.
This is in the article:
"What a terrible display of poor sportsmanship," fan Buke Lacktavose wrote in CBC's Hometown Heroes message board. "The way the women's hockey team ran up the score against Italy – what an embarrassment to Canada and a blemish on the sport."
You sir, are an absolute and utter dipshit. I'd like to use stronger more descriptive words but there isn't a word in any language to describe you. An embarrassment to Canada? A blemish on the sport? How so? Becasue they played thier best and won? OR because they play better then 90% of the men in the NHL?
All I can say now is that I hope they DESTROY the rest of the competition as they have with the first 2 teams. I look forward to seeing Canda vs USA for gold and seeing the USA lose 12-7. If the US can actually play that strong of a game....
i know how you feel. I hat it when people make people go easy on others because of winning. Just curious how come canadians are good at hockey when other nations suck? I've always wondered that.
"Just curious how come canadians are good at hockey when other nations suck?"
It's the mullets
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