Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Me? Famous?

It seems my internet fame is growing.

If you go to Google and type in Puzuma this very blog comes up at the top of the list. That alone is freaking awesome.

Today one o the forum members was doing some research on the first game of paintball with little luck online. SO he headed to Wikipedia. Not only did he find some info on the first game he found an entry for the Special Ops forum. After reading the page he got to the bottom, References.
Puzuma is known to be one of the most ban-happy admins on the Special Ops Forum, but is also one of the most respected and most helpfull. Warden Wolf enjoys closing topics like crazy, and Tyler (the rest of his Name is forgotten at the time) enjoys ragging on the mods and admins because he still holds a gruge because they deleted the Airsoft Thread.

I laughed at that. What else can I do?

It looks like I've conquered 2 out of three "internet Icon status symbols". Al that's left is for me to be put in an animated youtube "famous internet people" viral videos.

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