Friday, August 05, 2005

Who opened the can of STUPID?

**Opens the vent**

Someone somewhere opened a big ass can of STUPID. That's all I can figure.

Over the last week on the Special Ops paintball forum we've had at least 3 morons start bitching and moaning how the admin staff handles things. This has resulted in these three topics :
What admin/ do you hate the most?
Spec Ops moderators, to strict,
and finally
Poll: Hierarchy or Democracy

All of this because these people couldn't get it through their heads that the threads were closed for a VALID reason. The cried and whined about unfair treatment that we, the admin staff, are too strict in the enforcement of the rules. I'm proud to say that the majority of the forum members feel that we are doing a good job and basically told the offends to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. (And any forum members reading this, this is MY blog I can say whatever I want here. I remain professional at Spec Ops.)

This is on the heels of another incident where some forum members felt the need to "step up" the way the Spec Ops works. First of all Spec Ops IS NOT AN ARMY OF ANY KIND. Spec ops decided to us a ranking system similar to the military so that individual have milestones and targets to shoot for.

These other members felt that having a rigid command system would be a better idea. In other words if you sign up and are ranked as a Corporal and I'm a Master Sergeant I'm automatically your superior officer. They started their own forum, which was cool with us. But then they decided that they needed more members. They began multiposting on the Spec Ops forum asking/demanding people join them.

We asked them to stop, they didn't. Instead they complained we were being unfair. So we banned the worst offenders. Apparently that started a war. They managed to get a few people on their side to PM new members about joining them and their board saying Spec Ops sucks and the staff is oppressive. More bannings occurred. A little bit of time passed. I'd heard rumors that their members were rethinking the whole thing, and foolishly we let some of them back. It wasn't for very long, they did something stupid and got banned again.

Now, I'm not perfect. I've ignored rules, bent others, and if I get caught doing it, then I expect to pay the consequences. These icons of sheer stupidity seem to believe that they are above the rules.

IF YOU WERE ABOVE THE RULES THEN YOU WOULD BE A MOD/ADMIN. And even then there are rules that we have to follow.

If you're on a forum, ANY FORUM, and you have problems with the staff, PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS and take a breath of fresh air. The shit you keep spewing is getting to you.

**closes vent**

On the flip side of the coin someone started this thread Who's your favorite Mod?. Last time I checked I was in the lead. I'm not sure which poll I take more offense too the one that says I'm the second most hated, or the one that says I'm the best.

In other news, Carrie's been in and out of the hospitall for the last week. She's late for her period (again) and was in pain so we went to see if there was a problem. Not pregnant, but she did have a bladder infection. We went home, she took her pills and was still in pain. Monday night it was back to the hospital. She spent the night since they wanted to do an ultra sound. Again, no major problems but they did find a gall stone. They put her on Percocets for the pain and sent her home. Wedensday she was still in lots of pain and the Percs weren't helping. Back to the Hospital. this time they did a catscan or sor somethinhg and found a hairline fracture in her left hip. the fracture looked like iwas healed or nearly healed but there was still some fluid in the area from the damage. As near as we can figure the fracture happened 6 or 7 weeks ago when she slipped on the stairs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey just wanted to wish you better luck on the specops forums, seems like the members want you to stay just the way you are :P

Hope carrie starts getting better...its a bummer that happened... ill pray for her to heal up well :)
