Tuesday, April 04, 2006

har har har! Posted by Picasa

Here we are. April 4, 2006. A bit disapointing weather wise seeing as on Friday I was able to spend the day in shorts and a t-shirt. Saturday wasn't too bad. Sunday was cold, Monday added rain and today is the same. Sigh.

I'm still waiting to hear back from St. Lawrence College about my application. Acceptence letters were supposed ro go out on friday. Even thought the stike is over I doubt they'll be out on time. So I have to worry and wait.

Last Sunday I was eating a roast beef sandwich at lunch. Broke a molar. Good thing I had a dentist appointment on that Monday. Got a temp filling put in and go in this Thursday to get the real one done.

We've had a couple of problems on the paintball forum the last couple of days. Seems some of the memebrs feel that the new mods are a tad over zealous in handing out warnings. One member (signed up in June '05 and has under 200 posts) has gone so far as to sell off all of his Special Ops Paintball gear and quite the foum. All becasue he felt he was above the rules. Stupid is as stupid does. He's also vowed to go on a Quixote quest to thwart the tyrany of the forum.

I did something on the forum I've never done before. I read a members tea leaves. HERE is the full thread. My nmae on there is Puzuma (Duh)and the target for the read is JKLNHYD. aside from couple of comments on the forum we've never spoken. I drank the tea while focusing on his photo he uplaoded in his profile and posted my results. He's copied them and is adding his comments as things go by. I've already given him the willies. I hope it turns out to be accurate. I may have a new online business.

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