Friday, July 30, 2004

I'm sick of waiting.

Carrie, Logan and I moved to Belleville in October of 2001 because I got a better paying job at a company that is managed by assclowns. We were still tight for money and applied for low income housing. When we signed up we were told it was a 12 to 18 month wait. So we waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
When we would call to find out how much longer it would be, we would get told various time frames, 2 to 6 months, 6 to 8 months, 2 months to a year. And we'd wait again.
We went to where we applied for non profit housing to see what the hell was going on. The lady we spoke with didn't really have anything to do with the placement process, she just took the information and passed it on, but was extremely helpful. She gave us a couple of names and phone numbers to contact to get this straightened out. Now with it being a long weekend we'll have to wait until Tuesday to try to get some answers. October will be the start of year 4 for us to be on the waiting list.

I'm still waiting to hear from the army. I did, however call them on Thursday. I did it for two reasons: 1) I wanted to confirm that they received my medical files from my family doctor, and 2) to find out what was going on with my processing.
My answers were: 1) "Yes we did get your files.", and 2)"The review board has all your information. Your first and third choice of trades begin in September, your second choice starts in January. You should hear from us in the next 2 to 6 weeks."
For those of you that don't know, my choices are: 1) Vehicle Tech 411 (mechanic), 2)Material Tech 441(welder/fabricator), 3)Mobile Support Equipment Opperator 935(drive EVERYTHING the army has).
That's a modified list. Item 1 was actually item 3. Number 2 was 1, and 3 was 2. When I went in to drop off my application information, I had JUST missed the cut off date for Mat Tech and MCSE. So we fudged things around a bit.

So while I wait for the army, I'm still unemployed. I did apply online to Future Shop. I have to wait until the finish building it I guess.

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