So...It's been dull. Nothing and I mean NOTHING happened on Thursday.
Friday I went to my moms after taking Logan to school. Mom and my stepdad are replacing their wood deck with a brick patio. I was selected to be the wheelman. Wheelbarrow man that is.
I was led to believe that I'd be doing a bit of shoveling and dumping the dirt.
First we had to remove the last bit of the deck.
After consulting the "not to scale" drawing of the back yard, supplied by Bell Canada, we still had no idea where the phone line was. We started digging anyway. The first shovel full I thought I had found it was only a tree root. The first of many.
After five hours I had moved 6 wheelbarrows of dirt over 100 yards, mostly uphill. It was 25°C+ , with high humidity. I was pushing the envelope for heat exhaustion. I was glad I had to go to my sons father's day bbq at school.
Swallowing two hamburgers in two bites apiece is not recommended. Especially when you have to play on the slide afterwards.
I just finished reading Eye in the Sky by Philip K. Dick, also know for Minority Report. Very strange stuff. It made sit and wonder if this is the real world, something someone else came up with, or a prison of my own making.
Now that I'm done that, I'm perusing a book called Canadian Government in Transition Second Edition by Robert J. Jackson and Doreen Jackson.
I hate politics. I've never followed it. Not even for the student council elections in high school. But with an election coming up on June 28. I figure a little knowledge would help me to make a choice. I think I may have been wrong, at least with my book selection. Don't get me wrong, for basic information the book is fine. What I'm looking for though is a book or website that lists which party was in power for what years, promises made and what promises where kept and which were broken.
I've been to the party websites, Liberal, Conservative, and NDP, and read their party platforms. It's all good to know what they want to do. One even states how the current Liberal Government has failed to do whatever. I expected that. Mudslinging is part of politics. The only concern I have with the Liberals is their lack of a stance on the Canadian Military. The PC and NDP state they plan on bolstering funds to all military areas. With me trying to get into the army, that's important to me.
Other areas I want addressed are low-income housing, lower drug costs, more doctors, more educational funding. Most of this is covered in the platforms, but again it doesn't tell me how they did in the past. Everyone I've talked to seems to be leaning towards the Liberals, and based on my own research (limited though it is) so am I.
Now that the political stuff is dealt with, on to something related. Discrimination.
Now I'm not talking about race, or religion. I noticed this on Friday. With Father's Day coming up I received an invitation to my sons school bbq on Monday. I was looking forward to it, so was Carrie. More so because she was unable to attend the Mother's Day breakfast because of an appointment with a medical specialist.
When we mentioned this to the school staff we were told that it was for fathers only.
This got me thinking. This isn't exactly fair to the kids. What if all the have is a mom? They're now singled out. Same with Mother's day for those that are a dad only family.
They should abolish both Mother and Father's day. Set up a new day of recognition. Simply call it Parent's Day. This way ALL kids can feel good about it, even those with same sex parents.
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